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FAQ about the Premises Reopening Plan

Who is engaged in the Reopening Plan?

The implementation of the reopening plan is monitored by a special working group consisting of:

  • union representatives (RSA and RLS),
  • the Head of the Health and Safety Service,
  • the Head of the Safety and Prevention Unit,
  • the Head of Human Resources and Compliance,
  • the Head of the IT, Infrastructure and Corporate Assets,
  • the Data Protection Officer,
  • the Occupational Health Physician.

The working group chaired by the Head of the Prevention and Protection Service who is also the Foundation's "Covid 19 contact person".

What is the reopening timeline?

The reopening has been divided into 3 phases:

  • Phase one: from May 4 to June 7. Research staff: approximately 20% of the staff resumed work at FBK; CASSR: only staff with telework non-compatible tasks resumed work at FBK.
  • Phase two: from June 8 for the next 6/8 weeks. Up to 50% of the staff will resume work at FBK (please do not mistake FBK's phase two for the phase two according to the Prime Minister Decree).
  • Phase three will be defined shortly based on the national and local trend of the epidemic.

Humanities Center and Villa Tambosi staff, please see specific indications.

What rules must co-located entities respect?

Co-located entities are required to implement their own Covid 19 containment protocol or adopt that of FBK's. In the first case, it is to be observed within its offices only, while for the common areas, the FBK protocol applies.

Humanities center and Villa Tambosi staff access

During phase one, Research and CASSR staff under the Human and Social Sciences Hub in Santa Croce and the ECT* Center in Villa Tambosi worked remotely and the related offices remained closed.With phase two, starting on June 8, the Human and Social Sciences Hub will open its offices to staff, but not the spaces open to the public (specialist library, reading rooms, etc.).

How can I obtain bibliographic material from the FBK specialist library? (Annex 1)

The person concerned sends an email to biblio@fbk.eu indicating the complete bibliographic data of the resources requested.Processing times will differ depending on the type of resource (paper or digital).

How can I pick-up material and work tools from my workstation?

From the S. Croce and Villa Tambosi locations: e-mail respectively segreterie.poloumanistico@fbk.eu and staff@ectstar.eu  

From via Sommarive and via alla Cascata: contact Marco De Rosa by e-mail, copy your supervisor in.

The material will be packaged and left for collection at the porter's lodge/reception.

Who is in charge of granting access to FBK?

Access is granted only to workers whose names have been included in a list of authorized staff prepared jointly by the secretary-general, the center directors and the service heads; access is managed through a special system that will enable authorized staff badges, while unauthorized staff badges will be disabled, and will record the required individual status self-certifications.

Please keep in mind that the Supervisor should complete the access request form by Tuesday of the previous week, otherwise the request will not be taken into consideration.

Is it possible to enable badges for periods of less than a week?

The access authorization system was created to grant weekly access only, therefore it is not possible to enable the badge for shorter periods.

Attention: this does not entail the obligation to work at the office all week but only the authorization to do so.

What are the reopening work options?

Those who have a specific authorization (previously agreed with their supervisor) may enter FBK, based on the following criteria:

  • age: staff aged 40 or less first, then staff aged 41-50, followed by those aged 51-55, then those aged 56-60, and finally those in their 60s;
  • staff comorbidity and disability situations (examples: staff with obstructive pulmonary disease, staff with diabetes, pregnant staff).In all these cases, and always protecting privacy, workers will work remotely;
  • workers with family, particularly if they have at least one child under the age of 14 and there is no stay-at-home parent in the household.This criterion will be applied only if the worker's immediate supervisor has agreed to it;
  • In-house consultants and any other affiliated person as described in the internal procedures (so-called R1 "incoming people") will not be granted access, except for exceptional and properly justified reasons.

I have health problems: what should/can I do?

The Prime Minister Decree of March 17, 2020 provides for the protection of people in conditions of greater susceptibility during this health emergency condition.

If you believe this may be your case, please contact your general practitioner, who will assess your situation and may: 1) make arrangements for the isolation if necessary or 2) issue an updated clinical report on your health conditions to be submitted to the occupational health physician; the latter will assess your work-related infection risk and, if appropriate, notify your employer and your immediate supervisor ensuring the protection of your privacy.

I have been authorized to resume working at FBK: how should I behave while at FBK premises? (Annex 2)

All people accessing the Foundation's premises should in particular:

  • Maintain an interpersonal distance of at least 2 m;
  • The staff must scrupulously comply with the rules of correct hygiene recommended by the competent authorities (frequent hand washing, etc.)
  • Wear the masks at all times both in the office, and when you have to move (to go to the bathroom, ito the cafeteria or other); you can remove the mask only if you are in your office by yourself;
  • Provide for the sanitization of their workstation with suitable products and means (supplied by the employer);
  • Avoid physical meetings, remote conferencing only is permitted;
  • Avoid using elevators as much as possible;
  • Display the badge especially when moving around the premises;
  • Wear PPE (supplied by the employer) in particular surgical masks and FFP2, and use them according to the instructions received. Warning: gloves used outside FBK (public transportation, etc.) must be treated as potentially contaminated, therefore should not be used at FBK;
  • At vending machines, wear the mask, keep an interpersonal distance of at least 2 m.; before selecting the product, clean their hands with the dispenser available there and leave as soon as possible.

I work in a laboratory/ at a workshop: how should I behave?

The same rules also apply to laboratory staff: tools, instruments, equipment must be sanitized by operators using the products supplied by the employer.If you have any concerns about the compatibility of the products you should use to clean the equipment, please contact the Safety and Prevention Unit.

What has FBK done to protect workers' safety and health? (Annex 3)

FBK has provided for the sanitization and preventive cleaning of all its buildings and will continue to ensure such high standards as long as necessary.Please see the actions taken below:

  • complete sanitation of all sites;
  • installation of 58 dispensers with sanitizing gel throughout FBK locations;
  • adaptation of workstations;
  • sanitizing products for cleaning personal workstations;
  • cleaning and sanitizing of the Air Treatment Units;
  • anti bacterial and viral water treatment;
  • certified inspections of the bacterial and viral load on the air and water distribution systems;
  • cleaning of bathrooms, elevators, handles and push-buttons twice a day with antibacterial and antiviral products;
  • supply of appropriate masks (washable and reusable up to 30 times) that the staff will be required to wear according to the rules, and disposable gloves;
  • serology testing campaign to which, on a voluntary basis and with the support of the occupational health physician and the Trento Province Healthcare System, the staff who are about to go back to their place of work for the first time may take.

How does serology testing work?

What it is: FBK offers employees and in-house consultants the rapid (or finger-prick) (qualitative) serological test to test for Covid-19. This is a free test for FBK staff carried out by Progetto Salute (occupational health physician) that looks for G and M immunoglobulins (IgG and IgM) which indicate the presence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the blood.

Who can take it: serology testing is offered only once to FBK (and PAT) employees and in-house consultants. For appointments in via Sommarive, workers are required to have FBK access authorization; no authorization is required for appointments in via Milano (occupational health physician's office).

How to make it: The test can only be carried out by appointment, by entering your name in one of the free slots. For tests in via Sommarive, please sign up at this link; for tests in via Milano, please sign up at this link.

If there are no open slots, please write your name in the "Lista d'attesa" (waiting list) box. As soon as a slot opens, an email will be sent to the people who have signed up in this list.

In order to take the test at FBK, workers are required to have access authorization for that day.

After the test: people who test positive for IgM have a high chance of being infected and transmitting the disease to the people he/she comes into contact with. In this case, home isolation as well as the involvement of the worker's primary health physician are required; the worker's primary health physician must inform the APSS (Trento Province healthcare system). The healthcare system will take care of the patient and apply the protocol: the individual can be around people again after two negative nasopharyngeal swab tests after 24-48 hours.

IgG positive results indicate that the individual has been in contact with the virus and the critical phase is over, with a high chance of being immune (at least for some time).

In the case of IgG positive results, the FBK occupational health physician offers the chance of taking a blood-draw (quantitative) test at that time, free of charge. This second test will be used to either confirm or rule out the outcome of the first (qualitative) test. Until results come in (it takes a few days), strict isolation is not required (but the use of a mask, including when at home, is mandatory) to avoid preventive isolation. In case of positive results also for this second test, we proceed in the same way as we do for IgM positive results.

Below are the statistics relating to positive cases found by FBK compared to other local organizations (Source: Tests carried out by the Progetto Salute).

COVID statistics until 07.03.2020

FBK   Organizations other than FBK
    Total %       Total %
Negative 172 97,73   Negative 1553 94.7
Positive 4 2.27   Positive 87 5.19
    176 100.0       1676 100.0
Organizations including FBK   Private individuals
    Total %       Total %
Negative 1725 94   Negative 417 91,45
Positive 91 5   Positive 39 8,55
    1816 100.0       456 100.0


How do I use the cafeteria service? (Annex 5)

The Povo cafeteria reopened on May 4, while the coffee house and the surrounding internal areas will remain closed until new provisions.

As of June 22, cafeteria services are as follows:

Packed Lunch: the PL must be ordered by 3 pm on the previous day using the "My CIRFOOD Menu" app which can be downloaded from all the app stores or in its web version. The PL is personal and customized and will be available for pickup, with badge, at the cafeteria from 11.45 am to 2.00 pm, in different shifts as announced by e-mail.

You can eat your PL at the cafeteria, at your work station or at the outdoor common areas. In any case, physical distance of 2 m from other people is still required.

Hot tray meal: the service will be similar to the regular one but the tray will be filled by CIRFOOD staff and will contain disposable salt/pepper/bread/oil/vinegar packets and bottled water.

No reservation is required for this type of meal.

You must eat your hot tray meal at the cafeteria and will need your badge.

For more information, read Annex 5.

What are the surveillance actions during the day? And who carry them out?

The reopening plan also includes very important oversight functions to ensure compliance with the contents of the plan and its annexes.

The staff of the Safety and Prevention Unit will be authorized to carry out spot checks of body temperature and compliance with the measures set out in the above Plan and its annexes.People who prevent body temperature checks or refuse to comply with the rules shall be immediately removed from the Foundation's premises and reported to their immediate Supervisor and to the Head of the human resources for appropriate action.

The officers in charge of the above surveillance are as follows: the concierge staff limited to the sphere of responsibility of their position, as well as the staff of the Safety and Prevention Unit, who are vested with wider and more penetrating inspection and enforcement functions.

Who are the FBK contact officers for this emergency situation?

  • The Covid 19 contact officer and Head of risk prevention and protection service | Michele Kirchner | kirchner@fbk.eu
  • The Head of Safety and Prevention Unit | Mario Russo | russo@fbk.eu
  • The Head of the IT, Infrastructure and Corporate Assets Service | Marco de Rosa | derosa@fbk.eu
  • The Union representatives | rsu@fbk.eu
  • The Workers' representatives for safety | rls@fbk.eu
  • The Data Protection Officer | Anna Benedetti | privacy@fbk.eu 

Attention: before contacting the above officers, please view the Reopening Plan and its annexes.

Pagina pubblicata: Mercoledì, 03 Giugno 2020 - Ultima modifica: Lunedì, 13 Luglio 2020